Welcome to
ATS Global Support Portal

Status of the Support Portal Services: Online
Upcoming Maintenance: No

ATS Global Customer Support Contact Information

Australia +61 1300 468 288 Austria +43-720 022 908 Belgium +32-280 855 58
China +86-400 120 3082 Czech Republic +420-558 273 549 Germany +49-561 952 9937
Ireland +353-190 360 37 Italy +39-010 848 0336 Mexico +1-800 681 8068
Mexico +52-449 235 4529 Netherlands +31-208 110 566 Norway +47-219 888 96
Singapore +65-315 812 31 Spain +34-932 200 685 Sweden +46-406 060 636
Turkey +90-212 900 4727 U.K +44-133 240 8082 U.S.A +1-248 246 6226
Japan +81 3-6890 8571
France +33 1 85 16 85 39
Poland +48 22 185 75 70
Malaysia +60 3 2706 0190

For any questions or assistance please